Nada Mato was created when I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition leading me to embark on a healing journey that included a complete dietary overhaul. Tomatoes and other nightshades were among the first to go but the tomato cravings stuck around and that was TOUGH. I mean, I freaking LOVE tomatoes and everything made with them. To think I might not ever be able to eat anything with tomatoes again was HARD. So, I started seeking out tomato free products and boy was I disappointed. There wasn't much available and what I could find didn't taste remotely like I had hoped. Being disappointed with a total lack of options, I set out to create my own products with one goal in mind - to create sauces and condiments that tasted just as good as the tomato based products I loved and missed being able to eat.
My goal soon shifted after realizing how many people of all ages struggle with dietary limitations and can't eat tomatoes or other nightshades due to allergies, sensitivites, leaky gut, autoimmune diseases and gastric procedures. When I became aware of the statistics and realized how many people were struggling I set out to make things just a little easier for people at mealtime. Being able to sit with your family when everyone's eating the same thing or watching your child enjoy thier food because they can eat ketchup again brings back a sense of much needed normalcy and makes sticking to a healing diet far more sustainable.
What started as a way for me to get my tomato fix and stick to my healing diet has become a mission to help others do the same so two years and tons of recipe trial and error later, Nada Mato became a reality.
I worked incredibly hard to create products that had the right balance of flavor, texture and color - all mirroring traditional tomato based products beautifully. I truly hope you love our products and that they make things a little easier for you or someone you care about who may struggle with dietary limitations. Here's to happy and healthy eating from all of us at Nada Mato!
Holly D.